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The Federal Ministry of Finance’s Infrastructure and Economic Reform Department (IERD) and the National Project Coordinating Unit (NPCU) team of the Federal Ministry of Education carried out an appraisal visit to the Katsina AGILE Project. The visit was aimed at assessing the level of implementation of project activities in schools.

The AGILE Project is an initiative aimed at improving access to and the quality of basic education in the participating State. The project is being implemented by the states government with support from the World Bank.

During the appraisal visit, the team first met with State Project Implementation and representatives from the state government and other implementing partners. The stakeholders provided updates on the progress made so far in the implementation of the project, highlighting the achievements and challenges encountered during project implementation and the strategies they employed to overcome them.

After the meeting, the team embarked on a school visit to assess the level of implementation of project activities in some selected schools. The team visited some selected secondary schools, where they interacted with teachers, school administrators and especially the School based Management Committee (SBMC) members. They also inspected the school facilities provided by the project and observed classroom activities.

From the assessment, it was evident that the Katsina State AGILE Project has made significant progress in improving access to and the quality of education in the state. The project has provided schools with the necessary infrastructure, including classrooms, furniture, and instructional materials, which has led to an increase in enrollment and retention of students in schools.

Additionally, the project has implemented teacher training programs, which have improved the teaching skills and knowledge of teachers, leading to improved learning outcomes for students.

However, the team also identified some challenges, including the need to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of the project, improve community participation and ownership, and address the issue of teacher shortages in some schools.

Overall, the appraisal visit was a success, as it provided an opportunity to assess the progress made in the implementation of the Katsina AGILE Project. The visit highlighted the project’s achievements and challenges, providing valuable insights that will guide the project’s future implementation.

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