The purpose of this activity is to train data collectors who will track the attendance rate of 1st and 2nd cohort CCT beneficiaries during the 3rd term of the 2022/2023 Academic Session. The objectives of this training are to monitor the attendance and retention of girls who are beneficiaries of the CCT program, update their attendance rate, link and update their individual attendance records in the beneficiary database, and update the students’ records in the school-based data.
The expected outcomes of this activity include the tracking of pupils’ attendance and retention in school, the population of individual attendance rates, sharing attendance data with the state team, NPCU, and the bank, linking the CCT database with individual attendance records, and updating the database. By the end of the 2nd term of the 2022/2023 academic session, individual beneficiary attendance will be tracked, CCT beneficiary attendance data analyzed, a report produced, and the results disseminated to the public.
The target group for this activity is 54,741 Adolescent Girls who are CCT beneficiaries for the 1st and 2nd cohort in JSS1, JSS2, SS1, and SS2.